Our life takes place outside in nature. Be it camping, hiking or simply keeping fit outdoors. In addition, our two passions shape our journey: Mountain biking and diving.
There is also a lot of camera and electronic equipment on board. We are regularly asked what material we use for our YouTube films. For this reason, the equipment section was created. With short reports we would like to share our experiences with you.
In part, the placed links are so-called “affiliate links”. This means that if you purchase the products under this link, we will receive a small commission, while you will not have to pay more for them.
Of course, you will only find products where we stand 100%behind and use ourselves. The main focus for us is to share our honest experiences with you. You will therefore also find offers where we do not receive any contribution.
Mountain bike is our passion. In addition to the bike you will find other relevant equipment components, which we can recommend.
Camera equipment
With which camera equipment we are on the road and which material we use to shoot our YouTube films, we tell you here.
Vehicle equipment
Building an expedition vehicle involves many decisions. Find out here with which technology “Whaly” was equipped.
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